
Alamat Sekolah

Alamat DC/PG/TK Islam Terpadu Luqmanul Hakim:
Jl. Parakan Wangi No. 17 Bandung Telp. 022 7501233  
SD Islam Terpadu Luqmanul Hakim :
Jl. Cingised Kav. D13-D15 Cisaranten Endah Kec. Arcamanik Telp. 70280608 Bandung
40295 , email : sditlh.bandung@gmail.com

SMP Islam Terpadu Luqmanul Hakim
Jl. Parakan Saat 

Posted by Lukman Hakim on 18.52. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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